Cool accessory for this summer☆
Juicy Jelly, and Ice Candy and Sand Ice Cream
<Juicy Jelly>
Fresh and juicy jelly is here.
Juicy jelly like precious stone glitters by summer sunshine.
Juicy Cherry Jelly Ring \5,800+tax
Juicy Cherry Jelly Necklace \9,500+tax
Juicy Cherry Jelly Bag Charm \7,500+tax
<Ice Candy>
Sliced lemon and honey turns into Honey & Lemon.
You can also enjoy strawberry yogurt and fresh fruit with ice candy.
There is a carved seal that makes the item more special!
Honey&Bee&Lemon Ice Candy Key Holder \17,000+tax
Watermelon Sherbet Necklace \23,000+tax
Strawberry Yoghurt Ice Candy Key Holder \17,000+tax
<Mickey Mouse>
How about mickey shaped petit size accessory?
Flovor is strawberry marble and mint chocolate marble,
and vannilla chocolate marble... Which one do you choose?
Mickey Mouse / Marble Ice Candy
Pierce \9,000+tax / Necklace \13,000+tax
Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse shaped sand ice cookie accessory.
Mickey Mouse is green tea flavored cookie with adzuki-bean ice cream,
and Minnie Mouse is sakura flavored cookie with sakura ice cream.
Let’s go to the entertament park with these sweet items!
Mickey Mouse / Adzuki‐bean Ice Cream Cookie Sand
Minnie Mouse / SAKURA Ice Cream Cookie Sand
[Recommended Accessory for Summer]
Date: June 10th(Saturday), 2017