


Long interview with Q-pot. designer Tadaaki Wakamatsu.

The second interview "Disney Story Dreamed by Q-pot." Collection

“Disney Story Dreamed by Q-pot.” is a brand to express Disney stories 
in an innovative way of Q-pot. inspiration.
Long interview with Q-pot. designer Tadaaki Wakamatsu
 who creates attractive story-telling products for disney fans all over the world.
Introducing Disney collections that includes the new ”Beauty and The Beast” collection
with designer's thought and unknown story for next 3 weeks.

The first interview
"Beauty and The Beast" Collection

Q. Please tell us about Disney Story Dreamed by Q-pot. ”Beauty and The Beast” collection.
For creating products of the collection, what is the point?

<Beauty and The Beast/Enchanted Rose's Pocket watch Necklace>

This is the first item of the collection that I made. 
 "Watch" is very attractive motif for feeling the story.
 I made some ”Pocket Watch” items before, but it is the first item
 with the rose as the hand for expressing the world of ”Beauty and The Beast”.
 It expresses passing the time in the story by the rose petal falling.


And I put to design the essence of Q-pot. by melting for making move.
 There are enchanted characters The Beast, Bell, Employees on the side of the stained glass.
There are true figures on the back.
Many goods of ”Beauty and The Beast” was designed with enchanted characters,
 but I wanted to design the true figures of characters that before taking them magic for the collection too.



This is very surreal and interesting that employees turn into the dish and furniture in the story.
 Lumiere became a candle, and he has matchstick as his stick.
 I thought it was cool, so I designed that for his item.
 White chocolate dipped biscuit expresses melting candle.
 Biscuit and chocolate is the good combination, so I designed chocolate for Cogsworth.


Cogsworth is fun character like Lumiere too.
 At the scene of they sing a song "be our guest", accidently he dived to jelly.
 I designed that unique scene for the item.
 He dived to jelly from his head, but it made his face inside, so I designed he was in jelly from the his hip.
 Cogsworth was designed by natural wood that expresses the texture of the real chocolate.


Parents character "Mrs.Pot & Chip" need to be always together I suppose,
 so I designed charm and brooch that will be good coordinate with necklace.
 Mrs.Pot brings tea and Chip brings milk, and they make "milk tea".
 This is the reason why the items are milk tea flavor cookies.
 In fact the motif is very colorful and used mainly purple, so I suppose milk tea coloring item is very rare.


Yellow cake item express for that Bell wear yellow dress in the scene of dancing with the Beast.
 Pink cake one is for that she wear in the scene of having meal and playing in the snow with The Beast.
 Decoration on the cake is so delicate.
 That makes only possible by Japanese craftsman's technique.
 Yellow dress is well known, that is Bell, but pink one is not really well known and very rare as the item.
 She wore that dress in the important scene of ”Something There”, so I really recommend this item for ”Beauty and The Beast” fans.

Q. In the story, there are all unique characters. Which character is your favorite? Please tell us the reason too. 

I like Mrs.Pot & Chip from ”Beauty and The Beast”.
 I like pot motif and conversations of them is very cute.
 And this story is my favorite, so I had watched the movie, musical of Shiki Theatrical Company, version of Takarazuka Revue too.
 The setting of the story is Alsace in France, and I have been to there.
 I was very surprised that it was the same with the story.
 I felt like I was in the world of the story... I would like to visit there again.

New ”Beauty and The Beast” collection will be available 
from February 15th(Wednesday), 2017  at Q-pot. shops and Q-pot. ONLINE SHOP.